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Let’s get certified! Get ready for your PMI®PMP® exam with our prep course! We know the best way to prepare for your PMI®PMP® certification!

16.08.2024 / 09:00 - 04.09.2024 / 11:30


“Project Management Institute (PMI®) is the leading professional association for project management and the authority for a growing global community of millions of project professionals and individuals who use project management skills. Collectively, these professionals and “changemakers” consistently create better outcomes for businesses, communities, and society worldwide.”

During the last few years, centerline/, as PMI® Authorized Training Partner has prepared hundreds of Project Managers for their successful PMP® Certification.


What are the benefits of a PMP certification for project managers?

Increased self-confidence
Successfully obtaining a PMP® certification gives project managers a strong sense of self-confidence. The thorough preparation and completion of the exam serve as a validation of their skills and empower them to tackle complicated projects with confidence.

Professional advancement opportunities
The PMP® certification is a valuable key to professional advancement. It opens the door to higher positions and leadership roles in organizations. Project managers position themselves for promotions and salary increases as their efforts and hard work are recognized.

Internationally respected accreditation
The PMP® certification is recognized and valued worldwide. This global recognition enhances the credibility of project managers and makes them sought-after workers in the international workforce. It is more than just a certification; it serves as a gateway to a variety of global career prospects.

Continuous learning culture
PMP® certification is not just a one-time achievement, but an ongoing commitment to continuous learning. Project managers keep up to date with the latest industry trends, best practices, and methodologies. This mindset ensures that they are equipped for the ever-evolving landscape of project management.

Let’s get certified! Get ready for your PMI®PMP® exam with our prep course!

What are the benefits of a PMP certification for companies?

Improved project results
Project managers with a PMP® certification have extensive expertise and skills that they bring to the fore. This leads to improved project planning, execution, and control, resulting in higher success rates. For companies, this means satisfied customers, recurring orders, and an excellent reputation in the industry.

Consistent project management procedures
PMP® certification advocates the adoption of standardized project management procedures. This consistency ensures that projects are carried out using established methods, reducing the risk of errors and increasing the overall effectiveness of project delivery. It's like having a reliable set of rules for success.

Attracting Top Talent
Companies that invest in PMP®-certified project managers signal to potential employees that they value competence and excellence in project management. This reputation attracts top talent, fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and high performance within the organization.

Adaptability to change
PMP®-certified professionals are equipped with the skills to adapt effectively to change. In today's dynamic business environment, this is invaluable. Organizations benefit from their project managers' ability to overcome unforeseen challenges and ensure that projects stay on track even in the face of uncertainty.

Customer satisfaction and trust
PMP® certification helps to create customer satisfaction and trust. Clients have more confidence in a company that employs certified project managers. Consistently meeting or exceeding client expectations becomes standard practice, fostering lasting relationships and positive referrals that can have a significant impact on the company's financial position.

Target Group

Project Managers with at least three years of project management experience.


Next available online course

Kick-Off Meeting via Zoom:

  • August 16 (9 am – 11 am)

Half-Day Sessions via Zoom:

  • August 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 + 28 (8 am – 11:30 am)
  • September 2, 3, 4 (8 am – 11:30 am)


Course fee per person:
(min. 5 – max. 10 persons in the course)

  • 2.450 EUR


Register for the course:

Bettina.rubasch [at] centerline.management

Let’s get certified! Get ready for your PMI®PMP® exam with our prep course!